Who and How to take up OMism

Omism and its practices are based out of Sanatan Dharma in order to bring balance in the Triguna of the Nature.  Sanatan Dharma in short is the Technology and Path of Nature, which belongs to everyone in the cosmos. The technology  / Dharma of Nature works the same for all people, irrespective of their religions, creed, sects and all. OMism needs to be seen from the perspectives of “Technology or Dharma of Nature”. Its a pure spiritual science and technology of body, mind and soul evolution. That is how it has to be seen.

Hinduism is based out of Sanatan Dharma. So Hinduism, contains all those technologies of Sanatan Dharma.  Since OMism and its path have Sanatan Dharma related base, it appears as if its practices are like Hinduism. There are several orgainzations such as ISCKON and all whose practices are Sanatan Dharma based (which appear like Hinduism). But today, many people across the globe from various religious backgrounds, take up the path of ISCKON. OMism’s pathis also like that (it does not mean, we work like ISCKON. Just for example it is mentioned here). There are several people in the world, who chant the mantras of Sanatan Dharma. They may have various religious backgrounds but they chant these mantras and follow the paths, based on their own interests. 

Sanatan Dharma and its practices adopted by Omism in its path are meant “to give involuntary Yoga” to the people, in order to bring balance in Nature. Yoga is the technology of Nature and does not apply to a specific religion. Those who follow Yoga, need to cross the boundaries of  religion. Meaning, they do not have to leave their religions but they can adopt the technology of Yoga for wellness, prosperity and liberation / self realization. 

OMism has designed its path in THREE LEVELS, based on the intensity and depth, the followers get into.  All the THREE LEVELS are meant for all the people in the world.  The path contains, serious Sanatan Dharma practices from the SECOND LEVEL. Those who can cross the barriers of the RELIGION, can get much deeper in SECOND AND THIRD LEVELS of the Omism. 

We cannot expect everyone in the world to be, SO SERIOUS about the spiritual practices. Following are the types of people, who approach spirituality and Yoga in their lives. Below, we present you the clarity about “who can take up the path of OMism”.

  1. TYPE 1 – Those who follow the practices of religions and they are not interested in Yoga and all. This category of people anyways, do not adopt Yoga and its practices. So obviously they would not be interested to take up the path of Omism.  
  2. TYPE 2 – Those who adopt the technology of Yoga for wellness, prosperity and for peace in life. But yet, they follow their religious practices. These people would be interested to adopt Yoga technology but they still want to pursue their religious practices based on their beliefs and opinions. That is okay, Omism does not enforce its path on anyone and it has to be a natural acceptance to follow the path of Omism. For this type of people, OMism offers its involuntary meditation technologies and practices in its FIRST LEVEL. It will give required peace, happiness and sharp mind for them so they can live their life well.   
  3. TYPE 3 – Those who have several problems in life and they adopt Yoga technology to overcome their problems. But yet, they follow their religious practices. That is okay, Omism does not enforce its path on anyone and it has to be a natural acceptance to follow the path of Omism. For this type of people, OMism offers its involuntary meditation technologies and practices in its FIRST LEVEL. The involuntary meditation techniques offers all peace and happiness but resolve their problems, they need to fight from within by practicing the Involuntary Meditation. There can be some rituals given to these people by OMism, if they are open to do the rituals, so they can overcome their problems in life. For this, they need to cross those barriers of their religious perspectives. Then they can get into LEVEL 2 and LEVEL 3 practices of OMism. Even if they do not overcome their religious attachment, they can love the Guru of the path purely then, definitely their problems will start resolving. 
  4. TYPE 4 – Those who see Yoga as pure science of Nature,  they may or may not do any religious practices as that technology of Nature is the fundamental algorithm that actually frees the soul from the clutches of Nature.  Even if they follow the religious practices, they are liberal (There are several people in the world who belong to various religions, but yet, they chant the mantras of Hinduism). They are out of the clutches of religious perceptions. These people can get deeper into the system of Omism through LEVEL2 and LEVEL3 practices.
  5. TYPE 5 – There are people who purely are looking “self realization, knowing God or Truth”.These people are also out of the clutches of the religious perceptions. They are out of the clutches of religious perceptions. These people can get deeper into the system of Omism through LEVEL2 and LEVEL3 practices.

Hindus have the background of Sanatan Dharma. So it will be quite easy for them to adopt the path of OMism. It does not mean, we are not saying no to all others. 

So you can figure out, which Type you are, then accordingly you can pickup the practices of OMism. 

  1.  If you are going through involuntary kriyas  – you can take up OMism to evolve and benefit. You can check which level you belong above and then accordingly you will evolve 
  2. If you have problems in life and if you are seriously looking for a divine path that could help you – you can take up this path 
  3. If you are looking for peace, prosperity and spirituality, you can take up OMism  
  4. If you are looking for self realization or god realization, you can take up this path. 
  • If you are reiki practitioner or if you have yoga studios and if you want to teach yoga to people or if you want to become a yoga guru – please do not come to us. Your approach and thought are already not in harmony with the Dharma of Nature. So your approach to THE TRUTH can never be as per the LAWS OF NATURE, as you are already in to the spiritual businesses or into such thoughts. If you join the path of OMism with pretension, you will have many problems, after joining OMism, as Nature will stat stripping you.
  • If you are a spiritualist who is having several experiences of which you are so proud, please drop the idea of taking up the path of OMism.

How to take up OMism

Please STUDY the whole website of OMism in detail.  Only if you are excited and interested after studying every page, you can visit the ONLINE LESSONS page and after studying that page too, you can register for the First Level of Omism and pursue the path