Online Lessons – Manthan Involuntary Kriya Yoga | Manthan Automatic Kriya Yoga

Online Lessons to advance with the initial involuntary kriyas for transformation and prosperity in careers, in businesses, in education, in health and finances

It is very difficult to believe in any physical Gurus in this world, at this point of time. At the end everything drills down to practicing the spiritual path. The kriyas you have are initial level of Involuntary Kriyas which happen due to Nature invoking your Kundalini (for your soul evolution which is the thirst of your soul). It is not kundalini awakening due to which your Kriyas are happening. Through Manthan Kriya Yoga and its practices of Sanatan Dharma help you awaken your kundalini and also advance the kundalini involuntarily through all chakras upward.

Manthan Kriya Yoga is the path of Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha which help you meet the purpose of your birth which will excel your education, career and material life that not only satisfy the material body but also meet the soul thirst by which your work will help the humanity in a great way. 

You do not have to go around any Gurus (not even the Guru of this path). The Physical Guru of this path (Shree Guru), is there only to help you when needed. But the actual help and guidance helps from within you as the path of Aumism and its practices invoke the guru within whose guidance you can follow.  

By just sitting at home, by having THE GURU WITHIN, you and your wife can practice this path. Those who are unmarried, will naturally meet the perfect soul partner who will cooperate them in their spiritual life. If you are already married, the relationship between the life partners will get much better. 

By following the practices of the path Aumism, you will start sensing that your house is becoming like a temple and you and your life partner becoming like Shiva and Shakti. You will naturally start feeling this.  

You can learn the Aumism and its path through three years of practice. After the completion of the path, you will know how to practice the path and you can continue practicing the path just by sitting at home. You, your family, children and all will naturally evolve and transform in all aspects of life.  

AUMism and its path is not mere material lessons. The path invokes the spiritual energies that help you in all aspects of your life. That spiritual energy is invaluable and that spiritual energy is not given in any of the spiritual lessons or yoga classes in the world  

If you are interested in signing up for the first year , you will have to . . . 

    • Offering Guru Dakshina of USD 50, if you are from other countries  – if you belong to the other country – You can check If you are from other countries, you can pay through PayPal. The paypal profile is at You can follow this link to send the money. If you want to send money through wire transfer, you can email to or whatsapp to +91-9550262787. You will provided the required information in the email


    • Offering Guru Dakshina of INR 1800, if you are currently living in India  – you can send via Paytm App (Paytm Number is 9550262787).  Those from India can also pay through Bank. Banking information will be provided, if you can email to  . You will provided the required information in the email


    • Before accessing the lessons, it is required to have a video call with the Guru of this path, Shree Guru. Only after that, the access will be given. There are several spiritual reasons behind this due to which, this has to be followed.


    • For any quick information, you can also send message through THE CHAT MESSENGER of this website or you can whatsapp to +91-9550262787

Contribution to Orphans
Manthan Involuntary Kundalini Kriya Yoga from KALKI TRUST, contributes 50% OF THE GURU DAKSHINA you make for food, education and shelter for orphan children.   

Misusing the time, liberty and freeness given
Many people simply call and waste the time of Shree Guru. Guru is not meant to just evolve you but he has a cosmic mission which will happen by his soul itself. He does not have to market or campaign his mission. His mission will happen involuntarily through his cosmic soul. Wasting the time and energies of such souls is not good for the people. Many people have taken advantage of freeness of Shree Guru and the free access to the path given. More misusing the time, knowledge and spiritual energy ware found due to which, Guru Dakshina is made mandatory to access the lessons. Also, just because you give Guru Dakshina, it does not mean, you will get access to the lessons. Unless you have good intentions, positive mind and intellect, you will not be able to access the lessons. In this path, the cosmic divine energy always and naturally you will not be able to access the lessons with this negative personality. 

Is Guru Dakshina here a Price or are the lessons a product?

Aumism does not promote any Ashrams and the recognition of the individuality of its Guru and so on. The relevant souls naturally come to the path and take up these lessons, which is actually a divine background.

If a product or service is given at half of its true value is called Guru Dakshina as per the DHARMA (law of the Nature). The value of the lessons at Aumism is invaluable because, the path not just presents you some material lessons but the path invokes and initiates the spiritual process in you with cosmic energy which will totally transform your life.

Aumism operations are very basic. For the livelihood and sustenance of Shree Guru and very few others who are dedicated to this path, as per the DIVINE ADVISE, A VALUE OF GURU DAKSHINA is given for the lessons.

34 Comments on “Online Lessons – Manthan Involuntary Kriya Yoga | Manthan Automatic Kriya Yoga”

  1. Pranam to All.
    I am experiencing involuntarily movements, body shaking like pendulum to and pro, sometimes side ways, wrist hands are rotating clock wise sometimes anticlockwise with high speed. ButI am experiencing all joints are relaxed, body become light weight, feeling happy within.

  2. Is 9347578781 alternate no. for this initiation only or is this a different initiation? I contacted that no. but they said that I am not ready yet & I shall leave.

    Please guide. Pranam.

  3. Pranaam ShreeGuru
    My mother meditates from four years at home itself. She used to always ask me to do meditation but I used to refuse it. One day I saw her head spinning and thought it might be her voluntary movement for sitting long time. But it was involuntarily spinning. Then I felt like lemme give a try !! Whole heartedly went to her and seeked the guidance. Used to meditate with her. Third day the same involuntary movements I experienced . Dumbfounded for one whole day! She took 4 years and for me just three days…! Found relevant answers for all my questions scrolling from months. Now we wish to follow Manthan Path and it’s lessons for our soul evolution.

  4. Dear Sir
    From my childhood used to chant lalitha sahasranaam oftenly. After few years when I visited to Devi Ma temple felt my body was heavy. Gradually head spinning ,hand movements, laughing without my control started. Enquired about them but not satisfied or cleared my doubts. has clarified all my questions. Now I feel am much blessed for being selected by Mother Nature for my soul evolution. Will definitely follow my Mother Nature pronto.

  5. Manthan Kriya Yoga Path seems to be an inimitable path ! Such path is much needed for true spiritual seekers. My sincere bows and loves to the Manthan Path.

  6. Sincere Gratitudes to ShreeGuru

    MANY THANKS for the new formula – Manthan Kriya Yoga Path. Earlier I couldn’t accept it but tried by applying the formula for few days. Unexpected changes in my personality occured. Much peace ! More Insight !

  7. Dear ShreeGuru
    The kriyas in Manthan lessons are giving me real peace which I never found or experienced in any materials I possess and people around me !!!!!
    ShreeGuru – the Manthan Path Guru is the most valuable gift to me. Hari Om

  8. Hari Om
    My search for a GURU suitable to me
    ended when I reached After going through FAQs confirmed that my kundalini is invoked. I don’t have any knowledge about kundalini before. Used to sit silently for sometime regularly in padmaasan. Hand movements , body swaying started and I used to feel some kind of happiness and relaxed like state. Later observed negative pulls from within and positive pulls too. So much of confusions for what was happening with me. Following Manthan lessons seriously and astonishing changes in me now. Revered Thanks to Manthan Path – the much needed boon to the true seekers in kaliyug.

  9. Obeisances to ShreeGuru.
    I had smoking habit from 15years. Many times tried to quit but couldn’t come out of it completely. It was only by ShreeGuru energies helped me involuntarily quit smoking. It took 1.3 years, today ashamed on myself for my past years of weaknesses. Still it is like a dream. My fervor to know the TRUTH is increasing gradually and concurrently living peacefull life with my family.

  10. Dear ones
    SHREEGURU at times behaves totally different all of a sudden. But at the end, we will be revealed THEIR SELFLESS work in cleaning unwanted gunas in us without even hinting us. I have seen many such selfless treatments to balance trigunas in me.

    All needed is patience,love, faith and respect on Manthan Path – ShreeGuru….both are one and the same. HARI OM

  11. With the highest respect ,Thanking You Sir for the Manthan Kriya Yoga Path. After going through ,observed that first one’s internal purity is essential which will have greater impact in them and their surroundings and likewise in the world too.

  12. Dear Sir….Fed up of battling my life and in search of inner peace now. The Truth explained here is ultimate Sir. At last felt like am back home ! Many Thanks Sir.

  13. Dear ShreeGuru….Manthan Kriya Yoga Path has taught me many hidden truth. ShreeGuru’s harsh words has removed few of my weaknesses. Used to feel too embarrassed first, then as my practice continued realised that those harsh words were for the weaknesses I carried within. Wish ShreeGuru rebuke me untill all weaknesses are removed ! Never wish to be a coward with Manthan Path rather will sit firmly infront of ShreeGuru. HARI OM

  14. Sincere Gratitudes for introducing Manthan Kriya Yoga Path to the World. This path perfectly suits to my mindset awaiting from years !! Gone through all pages just now and it’s letter – perfect. Love and light to the New Advanced Path.

  15. Beloved ShreeGuru…..Was completely new to the Manthan Path and ShreeGuru when took up the online lessons one year back. You used to say to develop Faith on the Path or ShreeGuru first. That was difficult for me as I never met or knew You before. Then requested ShreeGuru to help me in developing Faith. The wondrous Faith and Love on ShreeGuru developed in me simultaneously after few weeks as I totally became a child holding on to its parents without thinking anything else….just believing !! Had many lovely experiences in my kriyas , involuntarily my trigunas started balancing gradually . My family members,friends are all shocked today for the positive changes in me. Much peace, happiness, satisfaction , no anxiety in me now. Proper teachings happen here in this Manthan Path silently and naturally.

  16. Dear ShreeGuru….Before Mother Nature introducing to You, I was having initial level kriyas for hours for which used to think that I have achieved something higher state and this was the end of spiritual journey…!!! ShreeGuru made me realise that GURU’s GRACE is highly important for my soul evolution. I have kept all my ego unto ShreeGuru Feet – HARI OM

  17. I am a married female. I want to try the path of Aumism. I have gone through your videos on youtube. My husband is not spiritual. Can I still follow the Aumism path?

  18. Hari Om ShreeGuru
    Salutations to ShreeGuru for guiding our family through Manthan Kriya Yoga Path. Our whole family personally experienced Radha – Krishna as ShreeGuru in our kriyas, dreams . We learnt that whoever loves YOU purely in any forms, You’ll BLESS them accordingly. Many Thanks for giving us an oppurtunity for serving and accepting our offerings for Your MISSION.

  19. Hari Om Shree Guru
    Sincere Gratitudes to ShreeGuru was making me comprehend about the basic behaviours when one contact a GURU. Realised my greatest sin of arguing , joking, critisizing , enquiring with YOU.

    Learnt that ShreeGuru ( Prakriti – Paramatma ) MUST be seen and accepted as PARENTS . Many revered bows for FORGIVING this mistake. Thanks for the greatest opportunity of serving YOU deep in my heart with utmost love,respect,devotion,faith and patience 🙏 . Personally experienced that this is the highest value of Guru Dakshina though offered money.

  20. Sir,
    I have gone through the Manthan Kriya Yoga blog and FAQs in Omism webpages. Found relevant information am going through. Should I meet you once at your place Sir? Am from Chicago. Please reply Sir. Thank You.

  21. Dear ShreeGuru,
    When I first contacted You, asked about guru dakshina and why it is important or necessary. You just asked to call after 10days. Immediately the following day started facing few new issues which I don’t want to share here. Realised the omnipotence of Guru Dakshina then. Guru Dakshina must be offered wholeheartedly with love and respect. Mother Nature taught me through real situations. Following ShreeGuru since 2years , didn’t meet in person , yet feel HIS love and energies entering me . Love and Light to Manthan Kriya Yoga!!!

  22. Hari Om ShreeGuru
    We are highly blessed to get connected to our most beloved ShreeGuru at very young age. We love our ShreeGuru to the core. We have many many experiences of GuruMa, GuruDev from two years. On our birthdays, we offer some small gifts to ShreeGuru. We are very happy for accepting our gifts as Guru Dakshina, MANY THANKS GURUMA ,GURU DEV 🙂

    Our Deepest Loves to ShreeGuru <3 <3 🙂 🙂

  23. Hari Om
    Obviously TRUE that Guru Dakshina is Very Powerful. I have underwent this power recently. It cleared my long time shoulder pain for which underwent many tests and treatments from years. Offered Guru Dakshina to my Guru with Faith ,Love ,Respect without expecting anything. Just offered wholeheartedly.

  24. Hari Om, I have witnessed , witnessing the caring of ShreeGuru since the day I started following the Omism Path. I feel said about the people who take things for granted and they are adharmic people. A true Guru does not have to work through bodies. He would have a soul work. In old days, kings and all used to give many things to the Gurus. Who knows the power of Guru Dakshina these days! It is very powerful,

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