OMism, The Kriya Tradition of Involuntary Sanatan Dharma

Welcome to OMism, the Kriya Sampradaya of Involuntary Sanatan Dharma, which helps you evolve involuntarily by both spiritual and physical realms.

We are not one of the yoga groups, that teach yoga Asanas or meditational techniques through retreats and all such spiritual business activities. Those works are post establishment works of the cosmos that make the souls go through various discipline methods so that THE DHARMA campaign goes on and people do not forget them. 

But when the question arises about the existence of Dharma and when it is totally out of balance, those methods and approaches do not work. When the people are totally drained out of their soul energies, their true knowledge, actual eye and mind do not work. So the higher GRACE, its technology and path have to descend down to energize the souls so they can, not only awaken, but also, fall into the path, with that graced technology.  

As the question of existence of Dharma came, this grace, technology and path have descended down, which is “INVOLUNTARY way of advancing the souls”. So far, on the earth, the spirituality and dharmas (various religious paths) presented various practicing methods, approaches and all those had to be practiced out of strong will and energies and commitment. As today’s man totally lacks such things, the “Involuntary” path and its technology came down, to balance the Nature.

The introducer of that path and the creator of that path is Shree Kalki, the tenth incarnation of Shree Maha Vishnu, the maintainer or the CEO of the cosmos who is responsible to run the show of cosmos.

That involuntary grace of awakening souls is “involuntary kundalini kriyas”. Involuntary Kriyas are nothing but churning of your consciousness. It is “Samudra Mathan” activity conducted between positive and negative energies. We are sure you know the story of Samudra Mantan. You can probably google around and check about it. Whenever the Nature gets out harmony, the Samudra Manthan is initiated in Nature to balance Nature. The same activity is initiated by Shree Kalki, the tenth incarnation of lord Vishnu which is nothing but “these kundalini kriyas”. OMism is the consolidated version of Sanatan Dharma with involuntary technology, by which people can sustain and advance in those kriyas.

Do not misunderstand that OMism is a parallel religion. It presents the twelve main limbs of Sanatan Dharma. It is not just mechanical algorithm. The whole cosmos and its management energies work by souls in order to evolve the whole system of Nature. So, it is not a human built design. As you follow the path, you will find that “SOME COSMIC DIVINE FORCE” is working behind you all time, watching you, protecting you, directing you, teaching and also punishing you silently, in the background. Some of the remotely initiated “Involuntary Kundalini Kriya” people already experience this as, they are already connected with this path in previous lives.  As you follow the path of OMism, you will find that “ALL THAT IS SAID IN BHAGAWAD GITA”, happening in you and around you. You will also find that, the yoga technology told in Bhagavad Gita, naturally and involuntarily flowing in you”. 

OMism is just another name for Sanatan Dharma. How we arrived at this name is … OM is the source of the cosmos and there is neither beginning nor end to it. From that, all creation arises and merges back into. That OM is SANATAN (that does neither have beginning nor ending) and its Dharma means its system, its law and its algorithm of working or functioning. We have just given shortened and modern name for the sake of future generations, OMism. Already, the current generation does not have any time in life and it is so confused and moving in multi directional way in the vast system of Sanatan Dharma.

Currently the requirement of the NATURE is to balance its Tri Gunas by advancing the souls in her womb. The are people, who are suffering physically in their lives by not being able to understand as to how to fix their problems. These people are approaching several spiritualists and spending money that do not actually offer the right solution. They always offer illusion based solutions that do not work properly. 

There are other people, who are serious about “freedom or knowing the self”, are totally directionless and they are shown several ways and methods by several gurus (who are into those post cosmos establishment works explained above). In future, the Gurus would be quite non-dependable as already, they are all commercialized working out of their own self agendas (not cosmic agenda).

For both of these categories of people, the approach for permanent solution is, evolving spiritually. When spirit evolves, then, both body and mind realms will also evolve. 

OMism brings forward twelve essential limbs of Sanatan Dhrama that unite philosophy, practice, devotion and technology of Yoga and all those happen involuntarily. OMism and its path works in parallel with the “Involuntary kundalini Kriyas”. Followers of the path, with little discipline efforts, all cosmic energies awaken and work with them, so that they involuntarily make a big leap in their soul transformation. That is the objective of Lord Kalki. So, it is like, you are attached to a parachute and you keep flying effortlessly in the required path.  So the souls advance and ultimately the Nature advances. This is how the THE INVOLUNTARY science of OMism works.  So,  when the souls advance effortlessly, they not only advance spiritually, but also by their minds, their karma, their sanskaras and all would advance. Such advancement fixes their physical life related problems such as career, finances, relations, health and so on. You can check twelve limbs of OMism in the following picture. 

Today, several people across the world belonging to various religions are being initiated into involuntary kriyas. This cosmic management system “Sanatan Dharma”, does not belong to any religion but it is a SYSTEM OF NATURE that applies to all living beings and non-living beings in the cosmos. No matter what religion you belong to, it will apply to you and it requires you to BEND AND TRANSFORM and there is no other way. The cosmic source or God or OM or whatever you call it, by working through Nature, in order to balance the TRI-GUNAS (Satva, Rajo, Thamo) in you, it has initiated these involuntary kriyas in you. OMism has the right algorithm to evolve you with those kriyas in physical life and also spiritually. By following the OMism and its path, such INVOLUNTARY KRIYAS happening people, not only evolve by themselves but they also can transform around, THOUSAND souls on the earth. Those souls may not be physically associated with them, but over the few lives in the past, the associated souls in the spiritual realm are always connected to them. Such souls, wherever they are in the world, will automatically start transforming through the INVOLUNTARY KRIYA happening people and their souls (when they follow the OMism path). We are not merely saying it in the air.  This can be experienced by your soul when start practicing the path of OMism. There are several others, who are already experiencing this. 

This path is divine intended to evolve the whole Nature by Tri Gunas and its algorithm, is built to evolve the souls, much faster. So, when the involuntary Kriya people join OMism and its path, they not only help themselves to evolve, but they also help other associated souls and Nature to evolve.     

So, in a way, you can say, a grace project of transforming souls in an involuntary way is launched in Nature and that is helpful for following kind of people.   

  1. Remotely initiating several souls into involuntary kundalini kriyas. OMism is designed for this kind of people and they can take up this path to easily transform in their lives.
  2. Those who are not remotely initiated into these kriyas, they will get initiated into them, once they come in contact with OMism and its path.
  3. Those who have problems in lives can get rid of their problems by taking up the path of Omism as it is a soul evolving path, soul evolution in such people will minimize and remove their problems. 
  4. Spiritual seekers, who want to have self realization and liberation can take up this path  

Many people, instead of taking Kundalini Kriyas, as a grace and opportunity of Nature, which has come for our evolution, they are not cooperating with them and trying to totally stop those kriyas. They are still preferring to work against the Nature. We are sure, all of such people are going through various problems in life. The problems in their lives, still persist and get much severe in the future. Because, those Kriyas, keep on churning the consciousness which will open up several sleeping traits (connected to karmas) that will expose to them problems and problem creating people. Stopping them continues you with the existing problems and continuing without the specific path meant for those kriyas may open up new problems.  

You can read the OMism Section to have complete understanding about OMism and its path.


2 Comments on “OMism, The Kriya Tradition of Involuntary Sanatan Dharma”

  1. sir
    My name is Garima Gautam…… I watched all your videos till final part …. I had experience vibration in my head when I am sleeping…. Thrice……… Sometimes I stop breathing for long in sleep and suddenly gasp air… Sometimes I am reciting shlokas in sanskrit which I really do not know. But all these thing happen in sleep…….. Presently I’m suffering from thyroid, pcos, and skin disease…… Please suggest and guide……. I have a lot of in sprituality…
    .. Pls guide

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