
The philosophy of OMism does not talk about just LIBERATION OR SELF REALIZATION while living and so on. Every soul is not meant for liberation and self realization and it cannot be enforced on anyone, just because  A GURU IS SELF REALIZED. 

Currently the requirement of the NATURE is to balance its Tri Gunas by advancing the souls in her womb. The souls, are also suffering physically in their lives by not being able to understand as to how to fix their problems. So both Nature and souls are suffering currently. Nature knows how to get out of it but souls do not know. Nature needs the help of the super natural power OM, to work with her and get out of the current situation.  

Nature’s primary requirement at this moment or even for many more thousands of years to come, is to balance the Trigunas of the souls in her womb.   OMism’s algorithm of its 12 fold path offers the solution for both wellness desiring souls and also liberation and self realization craving souls.  For its involuntary work, as per the emphasis of lord Vishnu the CEO of the cosmos, SHARANAGATI is required as the primary step from souls. When Sharnagati (surrender) is there, then all transformation, wellness, prosperity, self realization, liberation etc would happen automatically and souls can easily walk the path of OMism by the given cosmic energies, out of Grace. Technically Grace works to the fullest, only when the SURRENDER TAKES PLACE.  

So the question arises, to whom you should surrender? You should surrender to OM and also you should see the Guru of the path as manifestation of OM / God. How can you prove or demonstrate your sharanagati physically to the God? You cannot simply say “Lord – I have surrendered to you”. It does not mean, you have surrendered. Everyone can so easily say in the air like this, but that does not mean, they have surrendered. Physically, by mind, by body when you surrender, then your ego surrenders. Then, surrender by soul happens. So, physically, how can you surrender? and to whom should you surrender? It is the Guru to whom you should surrender. Because Guru Sakshat Parabrahma told by Sanatan Dharma. It is not told by some Tom and Harry.

So when you surrender to Guru, then all doors will open. How to start surrendering to Guru? – You can refer to the text at the bottom of this page. 

Also you should remember that Guru is not representative of God nor he is a middle man between you and God. Fundamentally as per the Sanatan Dharma, he is “Sakshat Para Brahma”. When you surrender to him,  then you will start your journey through, Dvaita Vedanta, Vishistadvaita Vedanta and Advaita Vedanta, Bhagavad Gita, Brahma Sutras by literally experiencing them in you and in your life.  The external texts of those vedantas are only there to RECONFIRM what is happening in you and in your life. Nature will naturally expose you to those texts as when required in the process of your journey (of Sharanagati). Do not assume that, at the end, Guru will introduce you to God. Technically, Guru is not separate from God. He will introduce you to his own self, which is the cosmic self. By merging in Guru, then it becomes merging in OM, the cosmic self. Then, you will lose your FALSE SELF. It is like ant totally dying in the SWEET. Ants dive into sweet to eat. But its viscosity, binds them to it and then they will die. Then they become THAT SWEET itself (as their false self dies). That is how your false self, the separated EGO dies and merges in Guru, the cosmic self. Then you will know that you are no more that false self. That is how it happens. So, in short, advancing souls spiritually and also by materialistically is the objective and philosophy of OMism. For that Sharanagati to Guru is the doorway.     

If SHARANAGATI, is there, rest of the things of the path would happen very easily. In case of Omism, the whole path and its limbs will happen involuntarily.   

Those who seek self realization and liberation which has to be a natural craving then for them. “Advaitam” or the union with the super natural power or  Om, THE TRUE SELF can be achieved while living in the body. The liberation or moksha can be achieved while living which is called Jeevan Mukti. For Jeevan Mukti or even for living life well in security and wellness, only one way is  “SHARANAGATI”Sharan means surrender. Gati means, way. Lord Vishnu and his campaign in all incarnations is “SHARANAGATI” in short. He resides in Guru. Surrendering to Guru is nothing but surrendering to “Narayana”. 

So, both category of souls, who want to get out of their life related problems and  those who want liberation and self realization, need to have SHARANAGATI. This is, in short, about the philosophy of OMism. You can refer to the following text for greater understanding. 

 Sharanagati is the philosophy of the Omism Dharma 

Sharanagati is the only way

Sharanagati is the only way – the philosophy of OMism. You can leave all dhramas (all spiritual paths, philosophies, vedas and everything , surrender unto me). I shall liberate you from this ocean – is what said in Gita). 

Bhagavad Gita with Sankhya is the philosophy of Omism. Lord Kalki, the tenth incarnation of lord Vishnu being the Guru of this path, his path is always about “SHARANAAGATI”. It means, surrenderence except which there is no other way. The philosophy of OMism stresses on “Sharanagati” to the Guru, in whom the energy of OM / Lord Shree Kalki works. Lord Krishna is known to be SHARANAGATI VATSALA (he loves those who surrender to him).

Omism does not talk about paths of some baba or guru or some saint followed. It always connects to the source, OM and from there, its original dhrama alone, OMism follows. The dhrama that Rama or Krishna followed, the dhrama that all his incarnations followed, only that dhrma is followed in the path of OMism.  Krishna, Rama surrendered to the super natural power OM and they saw its manifestation in their Gurus. They followed it strictly and showed the way to humanity. 

By surrendering to the holy feet of the Guru who is the form of OM, you will start your journey from Dvaita Vedanta, travel through Vishistadvaita Vedanta and  land up with Advaita Vedanta and then you will again climb up to dvaita-advaita vedanta. You will start learning the ART of being like RAMA and Krishna. You will learn, though you are in union with the cosmic self, you still bend like a normal human and show to the world. Then you just live and meet the purpose of life. You will not setup any ashrams to teach people. You will live and your life itself becomes the EXAMPLE OF LIVING. Thats the way Rama, Krishna and lived. 

In the path of OMism . . .

  1. you will find, all methods mentioned in Vignana Bhiarava Tantra happening in you automatically.
  2. You will find all Shiva Sutras happening in you automatically.
  3. You will find Shiva Gita happening in you automatically.
  4. You will find Brahma Sutras happening in you automatically.
  5. You will find Kapila Gita automatically happening in you. 

You must have seen me here, mentioning about all text directly from the supreme source. I do not talk about any other Gurus who came post to cosmic creation. OMism does not talk about other texts, given by any other Gurus. OMism talks about the DIRECTIONS from direct OM, the supreme source, alone.  

Natural Reference / Sahaja Pramaana
The right philosophy gets loaded into you as you keep advancing the path of OMism and it comes from within. Also for the REFERENCE SAKE, NATURE will naturally expose you those texts so that you will be able to cross check naturally about what is happening in you is mentioned in the holy text. 

Points you should remember in the philosophy are . . . 

  1. Krishna did not tell Gita to all. He only spoke about it to Arjuna. Arjuna is basically a TIRED ONE in the life. He has become helpless. He knows that, his mind, his skills, money, his knowledge, his physical strength cannot help him. So he falls totally on his KNEES asking for the help. Only then, Krishna will reveal him “Gita”. Till then, Krishna would not reveal. In the same way, in spiritual seeking, only when a man reaches this level (out of pains and sufferings), he will finally fall down on his knees. Only then, the GITA will be understood. Till then it is a mere, text and you do not surrender.  Only when Arjuna is tired, Krishna will become his GURU. Till then, he is just like another human to him. 
  2.  In spiritual seeking, the seeker will only be ready, when he is totally tired and out of pains and sufferings alone, he will seek the surrenderence. 
  3. Physical Guru is Krishna himself,  in the path of OMism, you are required to surrender to him. Till then, even if you talk to him, spend time with him or even eat with him, nothing will happen in you. Some even say that they have surrendered but inside they carry many doubts, do not have faith etc on Guru. Even such people with their pretension, they cannot advance in the spiritual path. Especially in the path of OMism, no advancement will happen till the complete surrender takes place. They may have little experiences but that does not mean, they advance.    

The truth, is that the ego of the people does not let them talk about, “Guru”. When you unite with guru, you will experience the cosmic self. Guru will not introduce you to “God”. God is not separate, nor other self for Guru. This is not uttered in the philosophies.  Because, all approaches towards God realization was from the side of man and his efforts.   It was always an effort from man’s side. He had to do many things for that.

This truth is given more importance in the path of Omism. To support this and to build the faith in the seeker, Ananyaschintayantomam … sloka from Gita becomes the faith supporting technique to  the “surrender unto me” sloka. When the assurance is given, then why does the seeker still look around in confusion?. He still looks around because of dual mind. Weather right or not, weather right guru or not, weather he will be cheated or not and so on. In the approach of Omism, Guru himself becomes the Krishna and surrendering unto him, will connect the seeker to the Guru’s own soul which is the supreme soul. In the path of OMism, Nature introduces you to the Guru of Omism. You do not search for him physically. So the seeker does not have to worry about the doubts of getting cheated and so on. 

It means, those who think about me all times, I will always take care of them. The assurance, I WILL TAKE CARE OF THEM ALL – is given. With that assurance, one should go forward with the Nature Shown Guru.  


Nature Shown Guru, the form of Om, the god himself and it is his Anugraha (grace) 

Nature Shown Guru
In the path of OMism, you are shown the path of OMism and its Guru as your Guru by Nature. You do not come to this path, physically searching for the Guru. 

The seeker due to Kaliyuga factor, always thinks that Guru is some messenger or some middle man. But it is not so. Guru is not a lesson teacher (like school). Guru is not that body or simply soul. He becomes the universal self, through some phenomenon that happens in him. You do not have to think about his technology, how he became like Guru and so on. You just have to surrender unto him. The other approach he has to take is, going through Nature. Nature, naturally connects you to the Guru. If you connect to the Guru naturally, then it means, he is the Nature shown Guru. At such Guru, you will have some fear and he also does not pamper your ego. You should identify these things in the Nature shown Guru and blindly you can surrender to that Guru. Surrender does not happen in one moment. It gradually deepens as the time goes. So, initially, as the Guru is Nature shown, you should go forward in faith. As you move on, you will also identify and feel that, your search for the truth has ended. You will naturally stop searching online, reading books and even for that matter, reading all philosophies will be stopped. As it is said in Gita, “surrender unto me”, once it happens, you will start finding that, THE WHOLE BHAGAWAD GITA is happening in your life. Once, you surrender to the physical Guru, then his energy will start entering into you. Then all slokas in Gita, will start demonstrating in your life and you will start knowing from inside and correlate to the slokas.  You will find, naturally that, the Gita knowledge is flowing in you. You will find Sankhya is flowing in you and so on.

All the slokas from Gita, you will find them happening in your life automatically in the path of OMism. The Kriya meditation also, you will find as if happening in you automatically. You can check the following graph. Guru once he enters into you (after surrendering to the Guru and following whatever he says and doing whatever he asks and following the path he says), then, you will find his energy increasing gradually in you.

That is how as said in Gita, Guru will start driving. Guru of Omism becomes the driver. You will become Arjuna. Guru would start giving directions from within you and as you follow and leave the arrows in life like Arjuna, you will start cutting old karma and stop accumulating new karma.

As his energy increases in you, your false self will start dying slowly. At the end, he will totally occupy you and your false self-will totally die and you will become that Guru.

That Guru is nothing but the cosmic self and you will know that you are no more that old person but you are Guru yourself / the cosmic self. That does not mean that you become guru and start opening a spiritual shop (do not misunderstand it that way). If you approach guru with that intention, your journey itself would not start.

So you will start living like that NEW SELF / COSMIC self and as you keep practicing the path, you will be exposed to several old karma and associated people and as you keep going through those karmas AS THE TRUE SELF, you will start burning the karma and unlike the old days, you will find doing works or dealing with people and situations, you will not have any attachments like old days. You will see everything as the universal self and you will not be shaken by situations and people. As you keep moving forward, you will be connected to the PURPOSE of life. As per the path and limbs of Omism, you will start living as Jeevan Mukta and that purpose of life becomes the “universal work” connected to the path of OMism. By doing that universal selfless service at the Guru’s place, your karma starts totally becoming null and at one point, your life will floating like a paper boat on water effortlessly. You will have no strings attached and everything starts coming to your feet then.

The philosophy of OMism is very simple
Surrender unto the supreme God OM and see its manifestation in Guru physical Guru of Omism (as said by Krishna in Gitia. You can refer to the above gita Quote) . Then you will find naturally meeting, all philosophies from the Sanatan Dharma. Not only them, texts from Kashmir Shivism, Patanjali Sutras and all those will meet naturally. So everything drills down to one doing / action – i.e. surrendering unto the holy feet of the Guru.  

How to surrender to the Guru ?

Guru is not like your school teacher. Guru is not a messenger between you and God. Guru is not a middle man between you and God. Guru is SAKSHAT PARABRHMA. That means, Guru himself becomes the GOD. OM, the god when he has mercy to help you in your life spiritually and materialistically, OM itself comes in the form of GURU. OM’s cosmic energy works through Guru. Guru is the manifestation of OM itself in the physical form. This is how you should see the Guru.  

In the spiritual path, for self realization and even for a balanced life, the Dharma (or the LAW) as per the Nature is to go through the GURU. Guru will not introduce you to GOD. As you get more and more closer to the Guru, you will start finding that GURU himself is GOD. So finally he will show you the way to merge in him. When you merge in him, you will know that you are cosmic self. OMism talks about surrendering to Guru. The Sharanagati. How to do it ? How to practice it? You can check the following. 

  1. Your search for all the spirituality stops at Guru 
  2. You will not read books of some other guru or some baba or some saint. They do not give you anything.  You have your Guru in front of you and there is path to which you are connected. Again talking about some name of babas and gurus and so on does not make any sense or reading their books or listening to their speeches and all do not make any sense. Because, the fundamental point is that, you are not able to see all those in your Guru. Then what is the point in staying with your guru? You better leave him and go after all those babas and all.  The relationship with Guru and his path is like this – Once you are married, you cannot love or like or praise any other man / woman not even for the sake of fun. That is called unfaithfulness. Very simple, you are unfaithful as per Dharma. You better leave your spouse and run after those you like! It does not make any sense in living with your spouse and liking others. That is how it is literally. So everyone should ask themselves if they are faithful to their Guru and the path. 
  3.  You follow what he says physically by mouth or follow the path perfectly. 
  4. Chant the Guru Mantra 
  5. You will not think negative about Guru. 
  6. Whatever Guru does and says is right – That should be the faith 
  7. You will not show off your knowledge to Guru. In fact you do not have knowledge. You have only information which you think that it is knowledge.  
  8. Be transparent and  open to the Guru in all aspects you want to share. There will not be anything in you and in your life that you cannot share with your Guru.
  9. Then he will start talking you from inside. You will follow even his directions from inside.
  10.  Have his holy feet in your Altar and everyday with love put flowers to his holy feet.
  11. Read his books or his blog or his emails, watch his videos 

This is how you start practicing the Sharanagati for Guru. Slowly and naturally, the devotion, love and faith towards Guru will increase more. Then explained above, Guru will start operating your body, mind and soul like Krishna, the driver of your Chariot. 

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