OMism Operations

OMism’s mission is not an individual one’s mission. Its mission is to balance the Triguna in Nature and it has its own technology unlike all other SPIRITUAL ASHRAM TEACHING METHODS. Because the work of OMism is something else that does not need any body’s recognition, crowds, advertisements, ashrams and so on. 

The project of Omism itself is different and its enemy is Kali who is hiding in all, all over the world. OMism and Nature they work different ways to bring balance in Nature.

Following is the way OMism works . . . 

  • OMism will not have any Physical Ashrams.
  • Physical Ashrams give the opportunity to let the MAYA enter into the system. Physical spaces and ashrams need lot more money and services of many people to operate. The requirement of money and people is the ACTUAL MAYA that again makes the ASHRAM run like business. So for sustenance sake, the ashrams keep on working like businesses. On top of all these, at the end the Ashrams, instead of adding sugar to the cosmic ocean, they add more salt / Maya and there is no point in doing all that show. So OMism will not set up any Ashrams
  • Serious OMism followers who are individual families, for their practices establish VERY VERY SMALL temples of OMism where they conduct their practices. Those setups would be inexpensive ones with a small Havan Kund. Nothing else. They are meant purely for their own practices. Those temples are not meant to conduct any Ashram activities. Interested people may visit those places but they do not do any POMPOUS activities that disturb the neighbors.  People may visit those places but, they sit silently and may be, they will participate in the rituals and practices of the path and then involuntary meditation will happen in them. Except this, they do not conduct any commercial activities like Ashrams  to collect money from people in the name of donations and so on.
  • Physical activities, ashram activities not only let the Maya enter into the system but those activities waste lot of time and the physical energies, that do not let the actual effort getting into INVOLUNTARY KRIYA MEDITATION. Kriya Meditation not only helps the individual to evolve but those energies greatly add value to the whole cosmos and Nature to evolve. 
  • Because of OMism’s Divine Cosmic energy practices, one follower of OMism would have the soul energy of balancing around 1000 connected SOULS in the world. Not physically connected, over the previous lives there would be so many soul connections and no matter where their bodies are. Their souls would start getting balanced based on the SPIRITUAL PRACTICE of one OMism follower.  That is more essential from the Nature’s perspective, so we do not encourage any physical activities such as recreations, bhajans, satsangs, eating together, dancing together and all those.  OMism is here to actually and seriously get you into the serious practice of its path, so you not only evolve as a follower but also evolve all those soul connects greatly in the Nature.  
  • OMism’s  Gurus will have parampara. Naturally a self realized one would be ready before the predecessor leaves the body. The show will continue for many and many thousands of years. 
  • Shree Guru, the current physical Guru at OMism, will not work out of any Ashrams. The model of OMism is totally online one. Followers will meet online through video calls and there will be virtual community set up and everyone will go for online interactions and sessions rather than physical ones. The physical meetings and activities would always bring MAYA into every individual and in the whole system. 
  • Lessons will be available online soon and whoever is interested will be able to take up those lessons. 
  • Guru, meeting others and all will only be online mostly. May be very rarely some meetings will happen with Guru but those will be totally NATURE CONTROLLED. Man intended ones will not work in this path. 
  • OMism may set up some projects to preserve the culture of Vedas, Saving Cows, Helping Orphan Children and temples may happen and even those projects mostly will be online ones. 
  • OMism does not advertise nor spend any money towards such activities nor OMism will conduct any funds by force in the pretext of helping others. OMism and its followers SILENTLY ADD VALUE TO THE WHOLE NATURE by doing their practices. Their practices greatly balance the world and their spiritual practices help the people who are really suffering (Meaning, Omism followers directly do not have to help physically through their bodies. But the help will reach the needy through some other bodies in the world). So OMism followers are expected and would be like SUNs and they keep shining without any noise. Those who operate as per the Dharma of Omism they greatly shine and those who try to bring maya into the system by doing all Adharmic activities at OMism will definitely have great consequences shown by Nature. So such people need to be aware of this serious warning.