OMism Mission

It is not the mission of the individual person but rather the mission of the OM itself. It is OM tat wants to evolve its souls involuntarily to give them better life that is in harmony with the laws of Nature and evolve them and merge them back into it.  Its the work of Lord Kalki, in Nature, balancing the gunas in people by initiating them remotely into Involuntary Kundalini Kriyas and introducing them to the twelve fold path of OMism, so that they can live well in prosperity and evolve well by soul.

Because of OMism’s Divine Cosmic energy practices, one follower of OMism would have the soul energy of balancing around 1000 connected SOULS in the world. Not physically connected, over the previous lives there would be so many soul connections and no matter where their bodies are. Their souls would start getting balanced based on the SPIRITUAL PRACTICE of one OMism follower. OMism is here to actually and seriously get you into the serious practice of its path so you not only evolve as a follower but also evolve all those soul connections in the Nature.  

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