
Omism is a divine effort with its cosmic management team in Nature. The effort of Lord Kalki, the Sanatan, OM, is meant to bring harmony in Satva-Rajo-Thamo Gunas, the root ingredients of the world / Nature.

This balance cannot be brought by lecturing and writing books or blogs. It is like SUN kind of silent effort, that keeps shining and energizing all the world around.

A “divine pulsation” technique is initiated in the cosmos and its pulsation, keeps pulsating all the souls that meet the frequency of its pulsation. That divine pulsation contains creative, sustaining, dissolution, Maya and Grace energies that rule the cosmos.

Involuntary kriyas, are the significance of that frequency. But the actual divine pulsation will happen in you, when you follow the path of OMism. Till then, it is just a vague and confusing path that does not evolve you but rather disturb you.

OMism is a path of twelve main limbs of Sanatan Dharma. This structured approach helps the followers to live well in life and at the same time, reach the TRUE INDIVIDUAL goal of life and to reach the holistic goal of Nature. Its twelve fold path will cut vague and multi directional efforts that only dilute the time and efforts of a soul. I am sure those who observe the “Dharma Wheel” of OMism will understand the arrangement of its limbs”. Even, vedantins, yogic experts understand its perfect arrangement of the “main limbs of sanatan dharma”.


Whoever wants to argue about the arrangement and its path, do not need to argue by mouth. The basic and fundamental thing is that “oral arguments” do not win any thing but rather pamper their ego and raise the darkness. So we would advise them, to get into deepest layers of their soul THROUGH THEIR GURU, so they can FEEL the approach of OMism. That is the only way, we advise. If they do not want to take this approach and yet, prefer to argue physically, to them our word is “learn to watch and give some time”, you will be demonstrated about OMism. Till then you need to have energy to hold your TRAIT of argument. The Nature will definitely show about OMism through situations in their life. As this is not the path of a human effort, the whole cosmic energies are behind this path and those energies definitely make sure of “demonstrating” the intentions of this path.  As this is neither our human effort nor their effort (arguers), the ACTUAL DOER, will demonstrate and reveal about the path OMism.  

OMism is not established to develop any parallel religion. But it is meant to solidify its consolidated approach of Sanatan Dharma for future generations. OMism is going to act as a bridge for several generations together, to drive back all the humanity to Sanatan Dharma, the ocean. After practicing the path of OMism, if you DIVE into the ocean of Sanatan Dharma, you will have better clarity of the Sanatan Dharma Ocean.

OMism is a divine effort to “involuntarily” initiate people into “Sanatan Dharma” so that effortlessly, with the borrowed spiritual energies, they can easily practice the path and live comfortably their life and at the same time travel towards the purpose of their souls and Nature. The Involuntary Sanatan Dharma helps souls, go back to their source, OM in their soul evolution. The path does not need any Gurus who came to the earth so far and all their practices. All of them came down and introduced various meditational and spiritual techniques, related to “POST CREATION, DHARMA SUSTENANCE PRACTICES” and all those involve man’s will and effort. But to practice all those paths, currently man does not have any soul energies (imagine if ordinary man is ready to practice Yam and Niyama). They do not have soul energies to practice them.  OMism is the involuntary path offering the technical approach out of Sanatan Dharma for better life and soul evolution. At the same time, its path will help the Nature reach its objectives.

OMism is also path of souls and the path involves game of divine souls. The game cannot be understood till they evolve to a certain level in spirituality, which is beyond Samadhi. As this path is after Samadhi, soul leaving the body and then what happens and how it works and so on! Nothing to be scared about it. Soul always comes back to you due to the awareness element in you (to which you are more tied now because of your attachments so do not get scared, it will always come back). 

The followers of OMism do not require always the directions from the physical Guru. The directions from physical Guru come from within. Guru exists in the form of both Nirakara and Saakara. The followers would always receive the directions either in their Kriya meditation or in the form of thoughts or in dreams. For any mistakes couple of opportunities will be given in this path, and if the mistakes are continued, naturally the followers will go away from the practices of the path. Followers will also go naturally away from the Guru of the path.

OMism spreads through natural awareness and it is not advertised anywhere to spread. It does not involve any INDIVIDUAL DESIRES to promote OMism. Whoever naturally comes to OMism are by default quite DHARMA followers but not talkers.

Certain families, those who surrender to OMism and its path, would have small OMism temples are built at which, the path related practices happen. Anyone who wants to visit those places can contact the local OMism temples and visit them. They are not commercial ones and personally managed with the deep devotion of those families. So those who visit those places should remember this and behave accordingly by not troubling them.

OMism has started an “Online Tutorial” to learn and practice its twelve fold sanatan dharma path. Whoever is interested can sign up for those lessons, study them and practice effortlessly. You can check this link to go sign up for the online lessons.

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