Kali Vs Kalki

Kali is the negative energy that has been working for its time ever since the cosmos came to existence. The first three yugas related to time are given to the positive energies to rule. The last yuga is totally negative one so its ruling is given to Kali. Many people do not know that the negative energy Kali has been working to push the world for his time. But finally he got his time.  This is the time, the Nature will get out of its balance totally. In order to balance it, Nature has a Hero named Kalki. Both kali and kalki belong to time.  So both are quite intelligent and highly powerful energies.  Each one of them outsmart each other. The tussle to balance the nature which itself is the CHURNING OF THE OCEAN. The churning goes on throughout the KALIYUGA.   You can check this video to understand how they tussle each other to bring balance in the Nature. The wonder thing is, their tussle has greater impact in the world which is the reason why, today the world is so chaotic.


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