Manthan Kriya Yoga

Involuntary Manthan Kriya Yoga is the fastest evolving yogic technology of the divine forces (Devatas). One year of human’s life is equal to one day of divine souls. Divine souls, without bodies, they do cosmic jobs in the Nature  (Example Sun doing its job. Rains and all those are visible for you which is actually the cosmic work of the divine souls who are called Devatas in Sanskrit).  

Initial involuntary kriyas happen in you just because of the invocation of the Kundalini, which is wrongly understood by many as awakening. It is not so, Awakening and the journey of Kundalini does not happen without Guru (which is actually a law of Nature, Dharma). Guru does not mean again, who demands you to fall on his feet and make you dance around  him. With the help of the Aumism lessons, you will be able to invoke the FORMLESS Guru and he will start residing in you, who will guide you from within. Manthan Kriya is such divine kriya and that happens with millions of cosmic forces who work with Kalki, the Guru of this path, who is working for the involuntary human evolution. Humans have lost the energies to practice yoga and even if they meditate, normal meditation, classic kundalini yoga, all other yogas and even Kriya Yogas cannot evolve the human consciousness much faster than the Manthan Yoga.   Manthan Yoga happens under the current cosmic ruler and the King, Shree Kalki who is the darkness remover and who silently teaches from within by remotely initiating several humans into the initial involuntary kriyas (spanda kriyas). 

Already, spirituality has become a business arrangement in the world today. The spiritual missions are required to be divine will but should not be the will of Gurus. Such personal spiritual projects are the personal agendas of Gurus today, in the world. Aumism is not the will or personal or individual agenda of the Guru of this path. In fact GURU of this path is AUMISM itself. The path Aumism itself is the Guru here. Manthan kriyas coupled with various sanatan dharma techniques and The Guru within, those who are seeking the true spirituality can get the self realization by following this path. 

All Kriya Yogas and all the yogic methods in the world are practiced and meant to awaken the Kundalini.  But in you these kriyas are happening because the kundalini is invoked by the Nature, naturally in you. 

So without any physical Guru intervention its a natural invoking of your Kundalini.  By adopting the path of Aumism, weather you are spiritual seeker who is looking for self realization or you are a normal person with involuntary kriyas, you will evolve spiritually and also in physical life by better careers, finances, comforts more peace and happiness in life.