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Involuntary Kundalini Kriyas – Soul Evolution

If the involuntary kriyas have started in you, it means, you should have been a different personality altogether since your childhood.

You should have been more religious or having faith and love towards the divine or some even, are so practical and rational that they do not believe something they do not see. Such atheists also would get these involuntary kriyas. They get because, they may not have faith in god and all but, their way of living life would be more harmonious with the LAWS OF NATURE. By following the laws of Nature one gets the cosmic vibrations of Nature. Some of you should have been quite positive thinking, universal thinking. So, you would love people and help people naturally without expecting anything. Some of you would think about others and pray for others. Though you may have these qualities, you would carry your own traits, negativities and weaknesses.

You must have started meditation in your life for peace and to get rid of your problems. Though you were not a serious meditator, these kriyas would start in you. You would have started meditation practice probably to get rid of stress, or to get rid of your problems in life or probably to get rid of the health problems and so on.

The point you should understand is that, the soul evolution happens for several lives together. This whole atmosphere or all world is like the womb of Cosmos.  The bodies of all souls die within the same womb of Nature and they are again merged back into the same womb of Nature. They are born within the same womb and follow the cycle of evolution through births and deaths.  But they can never get out of the womb of Nature. Because of the bondage towards the womb of Nature due to Karma (that is again based on Traits or Sanskaras and their energies, attachments and desires) they are born within the same womb. Getting out of the womb is called LIBERATION or FREEDOM to the soul. The karma that they owe to this world (which is the womb of Nature) does not let them get out of that cycle.

There is a big algorithm by which the whole womb of Nature works. Knowing that algorithm and understanding that algorithm does not happen for a man directly. As per the algorithm of that womb, there is a special one who actually liberates the souls out of the womb of Nature. That special one is nothing but God as per religions.

But, in reality you are also that GOD. You are not an individual one, because of forgetting this, (due to awareness of the wrong consciousness) you keep encircling in that womb of Nature itself. Now, God or the pure-self manifests in the form of Guru, to show the way to liberation which is nothing but showing the way to get out of the womb of Nature.  

Guru is not a physical body but he is the cosmic self.   He comes down in the form of physical Guru with Anugraha (grace) to get you out of the womb of Nature. Do not have wrong beliefs and opinions that, Guru will introduce you to God or Guru is a middle man between you and God. Guru himself is God (Guru Sakshat Para Brahma which is not told in a simple way but in the real sense it is told)

Now in your case, what is happening is, both Nature and Guru, work together to liberate the souls. In a simple way to say, Guru is the soul father and Nature is the Mother. Both mother and father work together, to get the children out of the BONDAGE of the womb of Nature.



For your clear understanding, I present you here the pictorial format.  The green color egg shaped one is like the womb of Nature and the circle inside is the evolution cycle from A to Z. The soul goes through several lives of evolution, through practical situations in lives. Say, in previous life if you were evolved to level “S”, in this life, you will again be connected to the point “S” and from there; your evolution will start again, in this life. The womb of Nature works like a HOST and it is responsible to sustain all souls in it. It has its own power, energy, authority and laws. It works based on its own algorithm which no souls can understand. In case, you were evolved well spiritually in previous life, the womb again connects you to that point in the current life. So, the womb connects you to that point and as a host it is also responsible to connect you to the GURU who will evolve you and get you out of her womb. The Nature cannot get you out of her womb. Nature needs her companion or husband or partner who is a PURUSHA (the purest one the origin one) who comes in the form of Guru.

Physical Guru is essential as per the algorithm of the Nature or womb.  Because you always think opposite about your guru, like guru is not god, guru is a middle man and so on. Only he can crack such mind and work on your EGO, Karma, traits and so on.


So, when the time comes, due to your pains and all, you naturally prefer meditation and then during mediation, it is MOTHER NATURE, who will work with your Kundalini and awakens your Kundalini. Internally, in you, the Nature has awakened the Kundalini. Externally, in the real world, the Nature connects you to her counterpart, Guru to guide you.

Mother Nature, can only awaken your kundalini, but she cannot help you ascend and advance your soul. For that work, she always needs only PURUSHA who is the Guru.

So, both Guru and Nature partner together to get the souls (only those who are ready) out of the womb of Nature.

That is what exactly is happening in your life. Your kundalini was awakened and now Guru with certain path of self-discipline and practices, he will liberate you.

How does he liberate you? He will not introduce you to God. He is self-realized, means he BECAME THE PURE SELF.

Guru will merge you, in his own self, that means your process of liberation starts and finally you merge in him.

So surrendering to Guru is like starting the process of merging in the supreme God or pure self. As the surrenderence increases, your merger deepens more and more into the system of Guru. It is like imagine, the holy river Ganga, is born on Himalayas. To take bath in river, you don’t have to its birth place in Himalayas. You can take the dip anywhere down the hill, because, it is flowing through several places across the country, India. You can take bath in it, where the river is flowing. In the same way, Guru is like that river, who came down. So merging in him is like, merging in the whole Ganga River itself.

Why Hindus take dip in holy rivers? This is the meaning – Dipping is like SURRENDERING and merging in the holy water. They dip in the river by closing their eyes, nose and ears (there is a way to close all these with the fingers or two hands). River is the significance of supreme consciousness. Dipping in the river is like lifting all hands and saying – I am surrendering to you, the supreme God. 

So in short, the path of OMism is designed with twelve limbs of Practice that advances your soul through all prosperity, comforts, good health, peace and all while advancing you spiritually.

Currently you do not have soul energies. So Guru’s energies work like PARACHUTE. When you are attached to him, you will gain energies to overcome all hurdles that tie you to the womb of Nature, so that, you will fly and cross the ocean of Maya (that is womb of Nature)

Surrendering to Guru is required because, if you do not surrender, his energy will not enter into you.  It is technically like a water pipe connected to a water tank. Imagine Guru is water tank. You are down and connected to the water tank through a pipe. You are looking at the water tank physically and talking to him. You may be talking to guru and all but inside, it is like, you have CLOSED THE WATER PIPE on your side with a cap. Then how water will flow? Externally it appears to all (and even to you) that you are connected to Guru. You are physically looking at water tank (Guru) and talking to him but you have not opened the cap of the water pipe. That means internally you have not opened your gates to his energy. So’ Guru’s energy will not flow in to you. So, you will basically hang around with Guru for some time and then you will leave. Nature will give the opportunity, only for some time. Once that time is up, you will again be lost INTO THE WOMB of Nature, by getting disconnected from Guru, in this life. When the opportunity will come again, is dependent on your karma.

So, in your case, Nature has given the opportunity for your soul to advance by awakening your kundalini and Nature has also connected you to the GURU of OMism. So, now it will be in your hands, how you will use the opportunity to advance or pretend here (BY INTERNALLY, NOT OPENING THE CAP ON YOUR SIDE).  

In the path of OMism, Guru is OM. You are also OM in reality. But, you do not know it, due to that bondage of Nature and her womb. With the grace of the Guru, Mother Nature will deliver you out of her womb and merge you in Guru (who is OM). Then, you will know that you are no more an individual soul. You will know that you are also OM. That is the end of the journey of the soul. It is liberated. You do not have to be liberated after the death. Once you are merged in that river (of OM of GURU), that river of consciousness itself will keep cutting the remaining karma (and it will also stop accumulating the new karma). You will be practically able to experience of the significance of getting out of karma, as you proceed further in the path. 

Why liberation is must? Do not think, liberation is dumb and dead word meant for some old people who are close to the death. It is important for you now, because, THE PATH OF LIBERATION ONLY can get you out of all your problems such as career problems, health issues, financial issues, relationship problems and so on. People foolishly address these problems, through some other temporary means by NOT FOLLOWING THE PATH OF LIBERATION.  That is the reason why, some of their problems do not resolve and even if they are resolved temporarily, they will again surface later, in this life or next. Because that approach itself is wrong and it is a temporary and illusionary fix.  

Those who are going through involuntary Kriyas, the path of liberation for them, is OMism and it is INVOLUNTARY PATH. Meaning, it is an effortless and easy path. Once you get into this path, everything happens automatically in your life, effortlessly, walking in the path of actual objectives of life which is THE LIBERATION.   That, is the reason why, the PATH OF OMism is like path going back to original mother (Nature) and father (god or Guru). Nothing else or no one else is there, in between. No other gurus, babas and all are required in between.

The path of OMism is purely the work of Nature and OM. You cannot experience the OM directly. Through the Guru alone, you will able to experience.

It is like experiencing electricity, which can only happen without cable. But, in the case of OMism, the cable and electricity are one and the same.

You can check this video playlist to understand the play of Guru and Nature

The lessons of OMism are designed in such a way that you will be exposed to the following main branches of Yoga, so, you will evolve in a balanced way.

  1. Gnana Yoga
  2. Karma Yoga – Karma burning exercises
  3. Dharma Yoga – Walking the path of Dharma
  4. Exercises to get rid of your weaknesses
  5. Kudnalini Dhyana Yoga – Kudnalini Kriya Meditation guidance
  6. Bhakti Yoga
  7. Guru Bhakti Yoga
  8. Understanding Nature

In the first one year course, required levels of these practices only, are given. From 2nd year onwards, you will be exposed to higher levels of OMism practices.

Some, in whom the involuntary kundalini kriyas are happening, they are so proud of “what is happening in them”. This video is for such people and and also this video will show WHAT IS THE DHARMA OF SPIRITUAL SEEKERS

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