How to Surrender to Guru

You should only surrender to the GURU shown by Nature. You cannot surrender to every Guru that you see on the earth. There are several other Gurus in the world and they have their purposes and paths. Nature shows you the Guru and connects you to the Guru naturally.  You can also check the video at the end of this page. 

Guru is not like your school teacher. Guru is not a messenger between you and God. Guru is not a middle man between you and God. Guru is SAKSHAT PARABRHMA. That means, Guru himself becomes the GOD. OM, the god when he has mercy to help you in your life spiritually and materialistically, OM itself comes in the form of GURU. OM’s cosmic energy works through Guru. Guru is the manifestation of OM itself in the physical form. This is how you should see the Guru.  

In the spiritual path, for self realization and even for a balanced life, the Dharma (or the LAW) as per the Nature is to go through the GURU. Guru will not introduce you to GOD. As you get more and more closer to the Guru, you will start finding that GURU himself is GOD. So finally he will show you the way to merge in him. When you merge in him, you will know that you are cosmic self. 

OMism talks about surrendering to Guru. The Sharanagati. How to do it ? How to practice it? You can check the following. Remember always, surrendering to Guru is surrendering to GOD / OM . 

You may not have 100 % surrender in the beginning but by practicing the following things, definitely make sure that the faith in you awakens and you will also have spiritual experiences in your meditation or in your dreams that help you literally know that Guru is Sakshat Parabrahma (God)

How to surrender to the Guru ?

  • Your search for all the spirituality stops at Guru 
  • You will not read books of some other guru or some baba or some saint. They do not give you anything.  You have your Guru in front of you and there is path to which you are connected. Again talking about some name of babas and gurus and so on does not make any sense or reading their books or listening to their speeches and all do not make any sense. Because, the fundamental point is that, you are not able to see all those in your Guru. Then what is the point in staying with your guru? You better leave him and go after all those babas and all.  The relationship with Guru and his path is like this – Once you are married, you cannot love or like or praise any other man / woman not even for the sake of fun. That is called unfaithfulness. Very simple, you are unfaithful as per Dharma. You better leave your spouse and run after those you like! It does not make any sense in living with your spouse and liking others. That is how it is literally. So everyone should ask themselves if they are faithful to their Guru and the path. 
  • You follow what he says physically by mouth or follow the path perfectly. 
  • Chant the Guru Mantra 
  • Be transparent and  open to the Guru in all aspects you want to share. There will not be anything in you and in your life that you cannot share with your Guru.Then he will start talking you from inside. You will follow even his directions from inside. Have his holy feet in your Altar and everyday with love put flowers to his holy feet. Read his books or his blog or his emails, watch his videos.
  • You will not argue with Guru
  • You will not think negative about Guru. 
  • Whatever Guru does and says is right – That should be the faith 
  • You will not show off your knowledge to Guru. In fact you do not have knowledge. You have only information which you think that it is knowledge.  
  • Never show off your physical things to Guru
  • When Guru talks, you will not interrupt him. When Guru talks, you will totally be focused. You will not do several other works and talk to Guru on phone. It means you do not have any attention towards Guru. 
  • You should give Guru Dakshina to Guru. Whatever you can. 

This is how you start practicing the Sharanagati for Guru. Slowly and naturally, the devotion, love and faith towards Guru will increase more. Then explained above, Guru will start operating your body, mind and soul like Krishna, the driver of your Chariot. 

Video about how to find the Guru