How to see OMism

OMism’s base is Sanatan Dharma which means, the most ancient and the first dharma. Dharma means it is the science of knowing the SELF, its purpose, its technology, understanding the world, all cosmos and the divine energies of cosmic management.  

In Sanatan Dharma, the cosmic management souls are given various names which come out of BEEJA SOUNDS from OM. They are nothing but seed mantras. Every sound carries certain divine vibrations and with some permutations and combinations they give certain energies. But you should not associate their names to just Hinduism. Their names are nothing but the Beeja Mantras born out of OM, in creation.

You should see OMism as a science of knowing the Truth. But not as a religion nor misunderstand it as Hinduism. In the pursuit of the truth, the seekers are required to go beyond their religions. Only then, they can move towards the truth. This Sanatan Dharma totally is called YOGA. It is a science of uniting yourself with your true self and know that you are that you are that cosmic self or God. You can say in short, it is a science of soul evolution.

If you are modern and you can see OMism as the science of Nature and use it for the purpose of living well and to evolve as part of the Nature.

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