How to find Your Guru

Search for Guru should not be human effort based. Nature is the one that connects all relations in the world. An employee meeting his employer, a buyer meeting a seller and so on, are the Nature initiative works. But man, based on his preferences (desires and attachments), he chooses some and some, he does not choose. In the same way, a spiritual seeker meeting his  Guru, is also an arrangement of the Nature. When a seeker is ready, then he naturally meets his Guru. How to connect with your Guru through Nature and then how you can naturally land up with your Guru? – you can learn this subject in this video.  How to find guru and recognize your Guru – check this video.



One Comment on “How to find Your Guru”

  1. Om Shanti!
    I am interested to lear more about Omism. Please guide me to fined a Guru who could possibly teach me.

    I’m Raul Cardona from the Philippines. Thank you.

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