
Cosmic Kundalini is AUM. It is the nucleus of the cosmos. It is named Aumism because, it is the “ism” of the  nucleus AUM whom the religions call GOD.  You as Jeevatama (the limited consciousness bound to the womb of Nature), are the particle of the cosmic Kundalini AUM and thus your your Kundalini is also in a way is AUM. Your kundalini reciprocating to the vibrations of the cosmic Kundalini, initiate you into the initial level of Involuntary Kriyas which are called Spanda Kriyas. 

Aumism introduces you to the next level of Involuntary Kriyas which is called Mantha Kriya Yoga. Manthan means churning. The churning of the consciousness happens involuntarily with the help of several cosmic divine forces. The path of AUMism, with its twelve limbs of yogic practices and Sanatan Dharma, help you evolve much faster than any other kriya yoga. The Manthan Kriya Yoga of Aumism is meant for married people. After three years of practicing the path of Aumism, a couple can feel that they are shiva and shakti. For serious spiritualists who are looking for self realization or god realization, they can get it in 12 to 15 years of practicing the path. In fact in 3 to 4 years they will start knowing the self and rest of the time is involved in cutting the karma that reveals more secrets of the self. Spiritual seekers who are looking for self realization / god realization are currently stuck in the busy lives and even if they go approach some Gurus, it is difficult to find True Gurus in the world. 

The path of Aumism, helps such seekers to get the self realization just being at home and being with their families.  The path of Aumism  not only helps such people in terms of spiritual evolution but it also helps them benefit in material lives with better jobs, better money and other comforts in life. Aumism has such practices in its path. 

Those who are not into spiritual seeking, in case these first level of involuntary kriyas are happening , they can also adopt the path of Aumism which helps them evolve with their involuntary kriyas through Manthan Kriya Yoga and at the same time get material benefits in the lives.