
Step 1 – You should know the Chakra Locations.

Check the locations from this picture


Step 2 – Invoking Guru

  1. Close Eyes
  2. Imagine First the Sakara Guru physical Picture at your 3rd eye and chant OM Shree Guru Devaya Namaha – 3 times .
  3. Then Imagine the nirakara form (Joti form ) of the Guru at your 3rd eye and chant OM Shree Guru Devaya Namaha – 3 times .
  4. Then you do the following Kriya

Step 3 – Going through all chakras by chanting OM


  1. Close Eyes
  2. Imagine candle light or jyoti at your mooladhara as the OM chanting happens, imagine a line of golden light rising from your mooladhara and going through all chakras. 
  3. OM Chanting should not be so loud. But it should be little loud so that you feel the sound within.
  4. Start the sound OOOO at mooladhara by imagining candle light and then imagining the line of golden light rising through swadishtaana, manipura, anahata and then come to Visuhddha (throat) from there O will become U ….then take the line of golden light through 3rd eye where the sound will start UUUMM will begin and from 3rd eye take the line of golden light to sahasra chakra —- there continuously the sound MMMM happens.
  5. Repeat this Kriya for 6 times

Step 4 – Going through all chakras

  1. Close eyes
  2. At Mooladhara – Imagine deepak / jyoti / the form and chant LAMMM for 5 times and then draw line of golden light to next chakra, swadhishtana Chakra.
  3. Stop there, at swadhishtana – Imagine deepak / jyoti / the form and chant VAMM for 5 times and then and then draw line of golden light to next chakra, Manipura Chakra.
  4. Stop there, at Manipura – Imagine deepak / jyoti / the form and chant RAMM for 5 times and then and then draw line of golden light to next chakra, Anahata Chakra.
  5. Stop there, at Anahata Chakra – Imagine deepak / jyoti / the form and chant YAMMM for 5 times and then and then draw line of golden light to next chakra, Vishuddra Chakra.
  6. Stop there, at Vishuddha Chakra – Imagine deepak / jyoti / the form and chant HAMMM for 5 times and then and then draw line of golden light to next chakra, 3rd eye Chakra. 
  7. At 3rd Eye – Imagine deepak / candle light and chant there OM for 5 times and then draw line of golden light to the sahasra chakra
  8. At Sahasra chakra – chant there OM for 5 times
  9. Now from Sahasra Chakra … come down through all chakras bringing down the golden light to every chakra and imagining deepa / jyoti light at every chakra.  Reach mooladhara