How to attain peace ✌️ 😇

All the world just talks about being happy, being peaceful. And that’s what we aspire for. In my small world, peace comes from within. It comes from being one with my soul. I became peaceful when I realised that I am one with the God within.

Peace is a state of mind. It comes when we gather the beautiful qualities of the soul. When we know how to mingle with others and leave jealousy, ego, superiority and distrust, we are able to breathe peacefully. Even when I meditate, I can concentrate my mind only when it stops complaining about others or how they are not to be trusted. To keep the mind quiet for just 15minutes becomes a task. Make it quiet. Let others bear their karma. I just clear my mind and there comes the feeling of peace😊.

Anger, jealousy and distrust are the enemies to peace. We even start questioning begger on the street about their motives for being there. Leave their motives and concentrate on yours. We have to get out of I, Me, Myself mentality and be giving, be better. If one is still concerned about the motive of begger then take them to an eatery and feed them but don’t just leave with the excuse of distrust. Our peace emerges from our system with the strength of our character. The love showered by us on others, without asking anything in return( and not just to our immediate family) is what makes us true to our own life.   I give love and I take ❤️. I remain calm within myself and I wish all of you to attain the same level of  calmness .                        Hari Om😎🙏🏼😇

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