Being in tune with Mother Nature

One of the things this path teaches is how to live completely in tune with Nature.

Nature means this world that we live in, not only trees plants and forests but this whole environment we live in is the field of Nature. And as our mother, Nature gives us directions on how to live.

As humans we have forgotten this. if we observe animals and plants around us they live completely under Natures directions. they perform all activities without thinking and are guided in all ways.

It us only us who have forgotten this way of living and use our mind to live, which does not lead to good outcomes.

If we learn to listen to Nature, our soul becomes happy and we start to experience deep inner peace and love. We feel one with God and the deep love of our mother and father.

Nature and God our original parents only want us to advance in our lives and to live in a balanced way. As we start to understand this we will find ourselves progressing much faster.

You may wonder what is the way to do this? How do we know what Nature wants us to do? The answer is to listen and observe, to listen to the deep inner voice within us, to observe what is hapenning around us, the actions of people and how situations evolve around us.

Sometimes we may want to finish some work but we find that repeatedly there are some obstacles to that work. That is a sign from nature that we should not do that work. Sometimes we may find some people stopping us from doing something or going some where and later we may realise that it was a good thing, that it helped us in some way. All of this is Natures work.

Learning to understand this and being in tune with Nature is also part of this journey.

Hari Om ❤

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