Journey to the light

Hari Om ❤🙏

I started on this Manthan Kriya Path with Shree Guru more than 2 years ago. But my actual search has been going on for much longer. From the time i was a small child i was always searching for something without knowing what it was.

When i was around 10 years old i had a dream where i was searching for my true self. I was opening one door after another , each door was leading to more and more doors but i could never find who i truly was. That dream stayed with me and it felt like i was always looking for something but never found it.

I thought the answer to my restlessness was in family and finding some meaningful work, and in travel. So over the next few years i found that too. I have a loving family with 2 wonderful children. Still the restlessness and unhapiness continued. I really could not pinpoint what was the reason.

When the COVID pandemic started and we were all forced to stay home i found myself with some free time.

That is when i felt the need to meditate. i statrted doing it regularly and slowly experiencing more peace. I felt the pull to do it every day and started experiencing some vibrations in my mooladhara chakra that changed into involuntary movements very soon.

I started experiencing moving like a snake and the moving my head and whole body in circles.

This scared me at first as i did not know what it meant. I started searching the internet for any information on this. I could not find much. There was very limited information available and most of what i found said it is part of the process. But no one gave information on how to deal with it.

At this time I was also connected to Boganathar Guru who was guiding me. But i felt the need for a physical Guru who would show me the way. So i prayed and asked for a Guru. I dont know who i prayed to but i just kept asking and praying.

Finally one day as i was searching i came across a youtube video of Shree Guru showing the involuntary movements and explaining it. It was the same movements that i was experiencing.

I immediately looked at his website and messaged him. And that was the start of my journey on this path.

i have experienced immeasurable love and joy on this path. It is a beautiful journey of transformation by having Guru. within. So many changes within that happened involuntarily and so many Divine experiences. It is truly a magical and beautiful path under the guidance of Shree Guru Dev.

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