Twelve Limbs of Omism

Following are the twelve limbs of the path, “ OMism’s Involuntary Sanatan Dharma”.  Kalki introduces the main twelve limbs of Sanatan Dharma and by just following them, you will end up knowing your own true self and not just that, you will have prosperity, health, good relations, career and so on. Because The technology of OCEAN CHURNING will start in you. Do you know what happened when Samudra Mantan happened? Out of it, poison, kalpa vriksha, kama dhenu, Lakshmi, Alakshmi and all came and at the end Amrit came. In the same way, out of that CHURNING in you, you will get all those benefits. Some things that harm you will be churned out from you such as poison and all. You will find very high level explanation of each limb here for quick understanding of the path. The path also walks you through the entire its limbs involuntarily. You do not have to sit and practice with your will. If you just surrender to the 3rd element Guru, rest all will happen automatically. How they happen automatically is due to the whole cosmic force behind it.


  • Om is the truth – A, U and Ma are the primal seed sounds and energies of the cosmos. A is OM, U is OM and MA is OM by themselves again. Om is the cosmic consciousness and through the “Aham-Vimarasha”, the continued invisible Kriya within, due to that pulsation, the whole cosmos came into existence.   You are not this body or not even jeevatma. You in reality is that Ocean of OM itself. You are no different from it. You are OM by yourself. But you do not know it. So you take the natural effort of knowing it and it has to be a natural desire of yours not a plastic one. The climax or the truth is revealed before you start the journey. So you are OM. How to know? Follow this dwadashanga marga of Omism, you will know. You don’t have to search the whole ocean of santan dharma. It is a big ocean. You will end up “running in confusion” and every time you end up with something, you will know, something else. So the search goes on like that, like a treasure hunt, in that huge ocean of Sanatan Dharma. Instead, if you have faith, you can follow this, path which is also out of Sanatan Dharma. May you have that faith!
  • Nature / Prakriti – Prakriti is the primordial energy that rules the cosmos with its laws, energy, authority and power. You are in the LAYER B (or womb) of the OM consciousness. That layer B is nothing but this world of Maya. You are in that mother’s womb. In to that womb, you keep going through births and deaths. Because you have not known that you are that LAYER OM / SEA BED. You are always remained at layer B. Prakriti as it is the HOST of all souls, for their sustenance, it does an unknown activity such as “MOVING THE SOULS” to meet with souls and situations. That moving energy, operates for your sustenance. You, at times go with it and at times go against it. Because you do not know how it operates. You do not know how the womb operates. But you are living in that womb. Knowing that operation of Prakriti / Womb is a big ocean by itself. That has to be known. The whole world is the play of OM and Prakriti. To know that play, when you are tired in life, plead and fall on your knees for God, that is when, OM comes with ANUGRAHA (grace) in the form of Guru. As per the algorithm of the PATH, OMISM, the next step is Guru, without which you cannot work with its algorithm.
  • Guru – As said above, because you cried and wept, the Anugraha comes in the form of Guru to whom you are required to SURRENDER. Surrender means, because you don’t have that inner eye, you physically need to accept to the fact THAT GURU SAKSHAT PARABRAHMA, and start your journey. Do not think that Guru will introduce you to GOD. Guru does not have second person and third person in the world. The whole world is his own self. God is not separate from him, the hill is not separate from him, the stone is not separate from him, the thief is not separate from him and you are not separate from him too. So he will not introduce you to GOD. He will introduce you to HIMSELF. You keep trying to know GURU by surrenderence. At the end, THE CLIMAX is that, you will merge in GURU. By then, you know that you are GURU / God yourself which is the cosmic self. Then you will loose your false self. That YOU, will be lost. Only GURU / GOD / TRUE SELF remains and shines forth and you become that. So, this is a main element in the whole algorithm of OMism.
  • Upsana, Bhakti and Mantra – You will be initiated into these practices which will awaken bhakti in you. Your heart should melt for the devotion and just by saying the word “GURU” OR prakriti or OM, tears roll down from your eyes. Such practices will happen automatically in you, in this path. That is when you will be ready to GO THROUGH THE laws of Nature. You will never have head-weight to misuse the energies (which will come in future)
  • Yama Niyama and other pre-requisites of the path – You currently do not have the ENERGIES to practice Yama Niyama. You will be given energies so YAMA-NIYAMA will happen in you automatically.
  • Yoga Technology – This is ANOTHER ALGORITHM of the prakriti and its evolutes, which define your structure (below the level of soul). You will not just understand them by reading. All those evolutes need to be known as if you eat “some sweet”. Then you will technically be ready to bifurcate all the evolutes and totally tie the process that happens in between all those evolutes. All this operational art is like a software. The art of operating them, will be loaded into you like a software. Then, you will be involuntarily be able to operate them and know about their operations.
  • Dharma – The biggest element of the whole show of the cosmos. What is Dharma what is adharma, no one knows and based on the situations, currently, you keep flowing in your life. But what is right action and what is not, that intelligence and knowledge should come to you, so you perfectly operate in harmony with the dharma. In this path, that art of operation also will be loaded in you like a software. You cannot learn it by reading books and all. Dharma is the main element that is binding you to the karma at this moment. It is that element that is making you bind to the womb of prakriti, in which you are encircling through births and deaths. When this art loads into you, your journey to get out of the womb, will start. When you get out of the Prakriti’s womb, that is the freedom space. When it happens, when you are with the body, that’s a great state of life. Living in liberation! This is where, you will know what is Maya and what is not Maya. 
  • Rituals – Every man currently wants only meditation. Nothing else, he wants. Because he is VERY VERY LAZY. He does not want to bend and run. When you come into this path, you will be sharp to run any moment. Even in the middle of the night, if it is required, to run, you will run. You will become that sharp. Ask our so called meditators in the world to do it ? They cannot. In fact for them, meditation is like a SLEEP mode and LAZY MODE. Rituals in this path, will cut your karma and also make you align your body with your mind and soul.  Rituals teach you to bend. Even if you do not cooperate initially, the situations in your life will teach you how to run and bend. Then you will cooperate with the operation of OMism. Then situations will start getting aligned! Such operations you will find in this path of OMism.
  • Universal Karma – You will be given certain universal works, either remotely in your meditation or by the physical Guru,  which you are required to do. These works will cut your karma and will also start burning your EGO. Your attachments will be checked naturally and your detachment will start rising. If you do those universal works, then you are in line with the Dharma / path. If you don’t do those works, obviously you will fall short of the algorithm of the path and as you don’t cooperate, slowly, Nature will keep you away from the path and Guru. You will have your own directions in life that will make you again encircle in the WOMB OF NATURE.
  • The tenth one is Sangham – It is very essential in this path. Whom, you do the friendship with and whom you associate with, are essential as the negative energies will slip through those doors. Sangha means, those who follow this path, with those if you associate more, then you will shine in this path. You are already deceased with darkness and just like smoking habit. if you associate with smokers, obviously they will change you to be a smoker and again inject all weaknesses (all opposite energies to yama niyama and all) will slip into you. Then you are gone! Omism helps you with energies that help you stay with right sangha. It does not mean, OMism asks you to leave all people of the society. It LOADS THE software of ART OF dealing with the sangha. That art, lets you live in society like water on the lotus leaf. You are in it but yet, you are not stuck in it.
  • Involuntary meditation – The eleventh element is involuntary meditation, which happens in you automatically. You do not have to bang your head to practice meditation and know all its jargons to do the meditation with your own will. The objectives of YOGA is to let you drop your will. The individual will is the reason behind your separation from the ocean of OM. All people in the world are doing meditation with their will. It means they are working against the law of nature. Meditation is not a big thing, in the dharma wheel of OMism when you meet all the previous limbs, obviously MEDITAITON WILL START HAPPENING in you automatically. Samadhi will happen. You will know you are a soul. Your soul will travel across the cosmos. You will meet various divine energies. Everyday you will leave your body many times. All those MAGICS that belong to the DOMAIN OF SOUL will start happening in you. The domain of soul cannot be accessed by even a great meditator or gurus. So all those happen here! In this kriya meditation, prana-apana alignment and pranayama happen naturally. You do not have to again do it or operate it with your will. 
  • The final one is the philosophy of the Omism path –  The philosophy of OMism does not talk about just LIBERATION OR SELF REALIZATION while living and so on. Every soul is not meant for liberation and self realization and it cannot be enforced on anyone, just because  A GURU IS SELF REALIZED. Currently the requirement of the NATURE is to balance its Tri Gunas by advancing the souls in her womb. The souls, are also suffering physically in their lives by not being able to understand as to how to fix their problems. Nature’s primary requirement at this moment or even for many more thousands of years to come, is to balance the Trigunas of the souls in her womb.   OMism’s algorithm of its 12 fold path offers the solution for both wellness desiring souls and also for those who are craving for liberation and self realization.  For its involuntary work, as per the stress of lord Vishnu the manger of the cosmos, SHARANAGATI is required as the primary step from souls. When Sharnagati (surrender) is there, then all transformation, wellness,prosperity, self realization, liberation etc would happen automatically and souls can easily walk the path of OMism by the given cosmic energies of out Grace. Technically Grace works only when the SURRENDER TAKES PLACE. So the question arises, to whom you should surrender? You should surrender to OM and also you should see the Guru of the path as manifestation of OM / God. How can you prove or demonstrate your sharanagati physically to the God? You cannot simply say “Lord – I have surrendered to you” . It does not mean, you have surrendered. Everyone can so easily in the air but that does not mean, they have surrendered. Physically, by mind, by body when surrender, then your ego surrenders then, surrender by soul happens. So, physically, how can you surrender ? and to whom should you surrender? It is the Guru to whom you should surrender. Because Guru Sakshat Parabrahma told by Sanatan Dharma. It is not told by some Tom and Harry. So when you surrender to Guru, then all doors will open. Also you should remember that Guru is not representative of God nor he is a middle man between you and God. Fundamentally as per the Sanatan Dharma he is “Sakshat Para Brahma”. When you surrender to him,  then you will start your journey through, Dvaita Vedanta, Vishistadvaita Vedanta and Advaita Vedanta by literally experiencing them in you.  The external texts such as those vedantas, Bhavad Gita and all are there only to RECONFIRM what is happening in you. Nature will naturally expose you to those texts as when required in the process of your journey (of Sharanagati). At the end Guru will not introduce you to God. He will introduce you to himself which is the cosmic self. By merging in Guru, then it becomes merging in OM, the cosmic self. Then you will lose your FALSE SELF. It is like ant totally dying in the SWEET. Ants go to sweet to eat. But its viscosity, ties them and then they will die. Then they become THAT SWEET itself (as their false self dies). That is how it happens. So, short, advancing souls involuntarily, spiritually and also by materialistically is the objective and philosophy of OMism. For that Sharanagati to Guru is the doorway.     

These are main limbs that ensure of KNOWING YOUR TRUE SELF and at the same time, the whole journey makes your life secured, comfortable and live well with all required material things in life. The path also works as a SECURITY LAYER around you and your family. So, even if an atom bomb comes down, you and your family will somehow escape it. How it will happen, please do not ask. That’s the magic that happens here. If you are gone in the atom bomb, do not say that, path is wrong. It means you did not follow the path well. The operation of Nature I talked above, will do its miracles in operating the situations, people and all souls around. You will know naturally flowing like a river and living in life without any preferences, desires and attachments. That art of flowing will naturally come, in the path of OMism.

To know the philosophy of Omism, you can read the philosophy section.  

The algorithm of the path is conscious algorithm that is spread everywhere in the cosmos, inside and outside of you. Some of the people simply take up the path for entertainment and still do not have faith and pretend. Some people are even great in such a way, they want to probe the path and Guru. Such wicked ones, will definitely have their own Nature-Built lessons demonstrated in their lives. How much ever I openly give the source code of this path, the SOUL behind the source code is the actual one that will never be understood by such wicked ones. Their time, energies will go waste and on top, they earn big problems in life. Such work happens behind this whole path. It’s totally a conscious algorithm. It is not a mechanical machine based algorithm.