Aumism & Involuntary Manthan Kriya Yoga

There are many modern people, unknowingly and internally living like Yogis on the earth, though they have their own negativities or weaknesses. They have a deep soul thirst within to adopt various spiritual practices for the thirst of their soul. But they are afraid of their careers, families, finances and bad gurus they see and hear about …..and so on. Because of those fears and opinions and beliefs, they are stopping and being away from that spiritual thirst. Aumism helps you have the GURU WITHIN and get the guidance from within to do the advanced spiritual practices being with families and careers. Such practices not only meet their soul thirst and also help them in advancing their physical life by resolving their problems . Are you such one? Ask within yourself! 

If you have involuntary or spontaneous kriyas, they happen due to Kundalini Invoking. It is not Kundalini Awakening. The movements you experience due to the deepest layer of your conscience (which is called Chittah where all your traits and their energies get stored). Moving forward-backward, moving hands, slight head movements or going through several pranayamas (breath exercises) are just due to Kundalini Invoking that happens Naturally. These kriyas will not evolve you nor help you in anyways. Such Initial Kriyas are called Spanda Kriyas (Spanda in Sanskrit means, vibration). These kriyas or involuntary movements do not evolve you in anyways but rather awaken more TRAITS from your soul system due to which you will go through various problems in life such as career related issues, health problems, relationship issues, business issues and so on.  After Kundalini invoking, Kundalini is required to advance through Manthan Kriya Yoga (Manthan means, churning) and associated Sanatan Dharma practices. With such practices your kriyas will advance and you will evolve by mind, soul and body. Such evolution helps you not only fix your problems but also get you the prosperity, peace and happiness in life.

Manthan Kriya Yoga happens in the divine cosmic souls. Human one year is equal to one day of the divine cosmic souls. This kriya is descended down to evolve the human consciousness much faster in an involuntary way. Other kriya yogas are done, meaning, man has to practice and operate those kriyas. But these kriyas, due to the practices done as per the Aumism path, happen automatically and naturally and they will evolve the human consciousness much faster than any other kriya yoga on the earth.

Aumism is an involuntary tradition, that evolves human consciousness much faster than any other yoga techniques, with the help of Mantha Kriya and Sanatan Dharma practices. The future belongs to this fastest human consciousness transformation technology that will take the humanity faster to the Golden Era (Satya Yuga). 

Aumism helps you have the Guru within you and with the help of the Guru and the practices of Aumism, you can just out of house without meeting any physical Gurus, you can evolve both spiritually and materialistically. In this phase of of time (Kaliyuga), it is very difficult to believe and trust Gurus in the world. Aumism’s practices help you invoke the Guru and that Guru directs you from within.   

If you have the initial involuntary kriyas (Spanda Kriyas), in order to evolve further by those kriyas and experience the prosperity, happiness and peace in life, you can follow the path of Aumism. If involuntary kriyas are happening in you and you are looking for Self Realization or God Realization, you can follow the path of Aumism which evolves the human consciousness much faster than any other yoga techniques on the earth